This is the first in a series of three stories about the lower section of the Lumber River and the revitalization of Fair Bluff. 未来的系列将以木材河上游为特色.
在弗吉尼亚州南部山区的任何一个周末, hundreds – sometimes thousands – of cyclists pedal the 17 miles from near the peak of Mount Rogers to 大马士革, Va. 它几乎都是下坡的1,700-foot descent winds along an abandoned paved or hardened rail bed that’s transected by wooden bridges spanning Laurel Creek.
大马士革, 在1986年主要工业关闭后,它一度勉强苟延残喘, 几乎全年都有骑自行车和徒步旅行的人聚集在餐馆和商店里,现在生意兴隆.
东南方向289英里处是哥伦布县的费尔布拉夫. 被飓风马修和佛罗伦萨带来的洪水蹂躏, 市中心已经没有了曾经在烟草市场期间挤满街道的人群. 摇摇欲坠的砖砌历史建筑空无一人. 主街上的镇上大钟不再报时,停留在11:30.
It is a tale of two towns, one of opportunity fulfilled, the other still looking for a new identity.
34年前,阿宾顿和大马士革及其周边地区的人们.S. congressman representing the district had a vision for a transformational project that would capitalize on the growing number of cyclists and ecotourists coming from the cities looking for adventure. 铁路公司于1977年放弃了这条线路. 国会后来拨款200万美元,将这条铁路变成绿道. 结果就是弗吉尼亚爬行者小径, 它于1989年开业,现在大约有250人参观,每年5000人.
Fair Bluff发现自己正处于一个十字路口,类似于大马士革在80年代中期所面临的情况, which begs the question: Can the river that devastated the town twice in three years transform itself into a destination that will draw paddlers and other ecotourists from far and wide?
尽管不太可能在任何一天都有数百名划船者来到这条河, 这些都是让费尔布拉夫成为生态旅游目的地的必要条件.
Lumber River State Park Superintendent Lane Garner believes the river and state park will grow as more people seek solace in the great outdoors.
“我们想说,我们做的是永远的生意,加纳说。, 这意味着我们管理的财产将永远受到保护. I hope to see more property protected through various agencies and conservation groups like the Lumber River Conservancy or private citizens that realize the importance of being good stewards to the environment.
“我也希望在公园里看到更多的娱乐机会,有更多的小径, 远足和马术都有, 露营的机会像原始的和划桨的地点, 和房车场地. 最近的洪水改变了我们的一些计划,因为我们的大部分土地都在洪泛区, 但经过仔细的规划,我希望看到更多的设施能够抵御未来的风暴.”
加纳认为,随着河流使用量的增加, 州立公园和费尔布拉夫有机会与它一起成长. He envisions everything from private outfitters to a brewery and bed and breakfasts in Fair Bluff.
理查德·威利斯(Richard 威利斯)和已故的史黛西·金(Stacy 王)曾在河上经营过一家服装服务公司, 在费尔布拉夫码头的一栋小楼里经营了9年.
威利斯说,金的愿景是推广费尔布拉夫及其自然资源. 这一愿景的成果之一是1997年成立的河湾服装店. 王, 在他70多岁的时候, 拥有独木舟, 皮艇, 和其他设备, 举止和蔼可亲, 并且“寻找人们最好的一面。,威利斯说.
威利斯, 两人中较年轻的,30多岁, 大部分的独木舟和皮划艇的引导和搬运工作都完成了吗. 他在州外工作,想找个办法回家乡.
河湾有大约20艘独木舟和20艘皮艇. 大多数短途旅行都是在夏季.
River Bend didn’t do many overnight trips because the Lumber River has little in the way of land adjacent to the water. 行程大多在4到6个小时左右,从美国出发.S. 从安娜公主到费尔布拉夫,或三个小时的路程.
和其他谈论河流的人一样, 威利斯指出,这可能很危险, 不同程度的水位和流速, 障碍或“过滤器”,和沙洲. 他通常每七艘船需要一个向导.
偶尔会发生一些意外, including one couple who got into trouble and walked back to Fair Bluff after finding their way out of the swamp.
威利斯相信,今天会有另一个服装品牌成功. 他说,任何从事服装行业的人都可能需要额外的收入.
威利斯说:“这主要是周末的事情. “我们有很多回头客. 现在镇上有这么多车辆,谁知道呢?”
这条河在装备方面有利有弊. Its narrow width and sharp turns make it hazardous for canoes and 皮艇 to share the river with motor boats. 除非水位很低,沙洲暴露在外,否则不会有很多午餐外卖点. He loathes the increased logging of old-growth trees that are felled to within only 50 feet of the river, 留下了将持续一代人的丑陋伤疤.
“但是,”威利斯说,“在河上当向导给我个人带来了很多快乐和快乐. 这是一个如此宁静的地方.
“如果我们能保持它的原始状态……”他说,声音越来越小. “人们没有意识到这条河有多珍贵.”
Town Manager Al Leonard has been instrumental in trying to rebuild Fair Bluff after the hurricanes.
“每个社区都必须找到自己的定位,”伦纳德说. “费尔布拉夫河是木材河. With the growth in Myrtle Beach and Brunswick County, we want to align ourselves with what’s coming.”
河边开, 伦纳德说, 在温暖的月份里到处都是皮卡车,没有多少营销或促销. “这是一个与朋友或家人共度周六或周日的好地方.”
哥伦布县的委员们, 包括费尔布拉夫的兰迪·布里特专员, 资助了费尔布拉夫河步道的一小段, 一个绕组, 与木材河相邻的高架木制走道. 它很容易成为北卡罗来纳州东南部最美丽的小径.
Town Commissioner Willard Small and Leonard were members of the state’s Tobacco Trust Fund board and later secured a $450,把木板路延长到四分之三英里.
After repairing water and sewer infrastructure and moving the town hall and fire department to new facilities, Leonard and town commissioners began to work on Phase II of the recovery — aligning the economic future of Fair Bluff with the river.
A photograph taken after Hurricane Matthew shows a fiberglass ski boat navigating down Main Street with ease. 污水好几天都没有退去. 霉菌在企业内部像野火一样蔓延. 水侵蚀了旧砖,使许多建筑物结构不牢固.
野外生活部队1533号的男孩们和领队们在安娜公主登陆点上划独木舟. Les High摄影
沿河步道依然存在. The town recently cut the ribbon on a new housing complex and received funding to build a new business district outside the flood zone.
费尔·布拉夫希望获得一个N.C. 公园和娱乐信托基金配套赠款,将建立一个公园露营地, 农贸市场, 带有凉亭的开放空间, 还有休闲场地和球场, 在其他特色中,市中心现在坐落于此.
诀窍, 伦纳德说, will be finding money to tear down the existing buildings to make way for a new Fair Bluff that would come to rely on the very waters that nearly destroyed it.
Small supports the plan to convert downtown Fair Bluff into a destination for people looking for the same sense of nature he’s enjoyed for his 96 years.
“这里的人都很友好,这条河很美,”他说. “我相信Fair Bluff会比以前更好.”
一辆旧校车可能是当年的钓鱼小屋. Les High摄影
发展可能与环境发生冲突, 而是哥伦布和罗布森县的经济发展主任, 分别是加里·拉尼尔和钱宁·琼斯, 相信这条河可以刺激绿色经济增长和合乐888在线登录注册.
“木材河生态旅游的潜力是不可估量的,拉尼尔说, 并指出,这条河流已被指定为北卡罗来纳州的五条“野生和风景河流”之一.”
“作为一名狂热的皮划艇爱好者,我在木材河上度过了许多愉快的时光. There is a constant current in the river that allows you to sit back in your boat and just admire the wildlife while you drift down the river.”
“为我们当中运动能力较差的人准备的, 观光浮筒船可以让很多游客享受这条河, 尤其是那些可能不会划独木舟或皮艇的人. I would love to see anything that will enable more people to see what a wonderful natural asset we have.”
Lanier would like to see funding for a river tourism master plan in conjunction with the state park.
Jones said efforts to clear the river of debris have greatly increased the possibility of the Lumber River becoming a paddling destination.
“生态旅游部门确实需要进行评估,并将其视为一种前景,琼斯说. “It has the possibility of increasing dramatically because of the resources and funding that have come to the county to clean out the river. 想要进行风景旅游的个人的可达性已经发生了巨大的变化. They have the ability to go in there and navigate the river in a way that hasn’t been done in years.”
虽然像大多数沿海河流一样被单宁染成了深棕色, 木材非常干净, 约瑟夫·怀特说, 北卡罗来纳大学彭布罗克分校的生物学教授.
“卡托巴河和它的支流和木材河一样迷人美丽, 但是非常不同,怀特说. 卡托巴河的许多支流一开始都是多岩的, 湍急的山涧被杜鹃花和山月桂环绕. 它们合并形成的较大的溪流和河流经常受到渠化的干扰, 蓄水池, 河岸地带的发展, 污染, 诸如此类.
高水位淹没了北岸的码头.C. 野生动物资源委员会在费尔布拉夫登陆. 尽管河水因单宁酸而呈黑色,但木材河非常干净. 水质将是未来生态旅游发展的关键. Les High摄影
“有这样一条大河是很特别的, 至少肉眼是这样的, 处于原始状态. 没有水坝的事实, 河上的开发有限, 水质仍然很高, 即使在流域发生的所有活动和最近的风暴中, 真正说明了木材的真正价值. 然后再加上秃柏树和西班牙苔藓, 沼泽和湿地,真是个迷人的地方.”
White cautions that local and state governments must be diligent about protecting the river and the areas that surround it.
“Counties and municipalities can benefit from developing parks and features like the Fair Bluff River Walk and incentivizing new businesses that will foster and benefit from ecotourism,怀特说. “然而, 我会敦促各县限制对河流洪泛区或邻近梯田的干扰, 而且这些发展的足迹尽可能小. 沿河森林的破碎会降低保护河流的效益.”
对木材最大的威胁是污染和其高水质的退化, 白说.
他说:“我们在农村地区,那里有大量的农场和大量的牲畜经营, 污染应该是一个值得关注的问题. This is 污染 that washes into the river from fields, yards, and parking lots during rain events. 它还包括化肥和杀虫剂以及油和油脂, 高地上侵蚀形成的沉积物, 以及宠物或牲畜粪便中的细菌. The higher the abundance and concentration of these pollutants…the more concerning this threat becomes.”
The partnership with the conservancy permits UNCP students and faculty the use of protected properties for academic and research purposes.
“I think about how much the residents of the area and those who grew up here love and care about the river,怀特补充道. “我有幸与Lumbee的一些人一起工作, 听到这条河在他们的历史和文化中的重要性,真的很感动.”